Jumat, 30 Juli 2010

agin ---"

sadly, the time to know if the guy who I like right now in my friends own the same drill.
but he is more fortunate because they were near the first class.
but I? near near temen aja limited only could.
twice he also likes the same guy that I liked.
but now most make me sick hahahaha
nih i do not know why so mikirin love continues well?
though I've now three classes, soon a national exam.
continues to state college entrance exams.
god .. did not yield to him when I was again unable to get cowoyang I like, ta [i perdekatkanlah I had him a god, if this time he could be a boyfriend to me. amen.

Rabu, 21 Juli 2010

adobe untuk mengedit film apa aja sih ?

bagi yang mengetahui aplikasi apa aja sih yang bisa di gunakan untuk :

*mengedit Film pendek

download dimana yah ?
atau kalo harus beli , beli di mana dan apa nama aplikasinya ??

tolong segera contact di blog ini yah :)

Selasa, 20 Juli 2010

being an adult

sometimes people think that being something important is easy.
but to me it is the most difficult thing for us to do.
in our minds, what we think is good, good, but what might be appropriate if it is good to other people? NO!
remember every human being has a way of thinking berbada views and different from each other.
it's true we've been trying to tebaik to be so "GOOD" in the eyes of others, but trkadang replies we receive may be different.
they might just think from the standpoint of him. without looking from the viewpoint of others.
This became a problem usually.
people who we think is good not necessarily behind us he's still good.
we never know what their heart's content, although they are good friends of our own.
ill indeed if we are in treating different. ill indeed if we do not consider them. but remember we are creatures with a mind dicipatakn god. we should be thinking adults. even if and how attitudes and their treatment of us, just let it alone. they consider is an alarm that always reminds us. Let us not be glued their attitude to us. but we should be able to show that we do not regret it when they do us like that. because we can and can without them.
think an adult and be someone who can think carefully,
healty and smart.
do what we ca afford.
Belive with our abilities.


@ taman matahari

flying FOX TIME ^^

Minggu, 18 Juli 2010


Kebenaran adalah Sesuatu yang satu atau uniq,
tidak berawal dan berakhir tidak memiliki ruang dan waktu.
Kebenaran akan menjadi arah pedoman untuk kehidupan.
Mau tidak mau seseorang harus mempunyai pedoman dalam tindakan atau perilaku didalam kehidupannya.
Hal ini didapat melalui pendidikan dan pengalaman dalam perkembangan kehidupan dari anak sampai dewasa.
Merubah pedoman kehidupan akan dilalui dari waktu-kewaktu dalam pergolakan pemikiran.
Pedoman Kebenaran kadang membawa kehidupan yang menyenangkan dan kadang menyusahkan diri dan orang disekitar kita.

melakukanya tidaklah semudah membalikan telapak tangan .
ibarat kita pergi , pilihan tempat yang ada hanyalah "puncak gunung" atau "lautan"
banyak memerlukan pertimbangan. tapi ketika waktunya datang
keberan pun akan memunculkan dirinya.
pasti akan muncul dengan sendirinya.
tak perlu dipaksa , tak perlu di tahan
tapi sama halnya
Sebagaimana yang terjadi pada pentas sebuah panggung sandiwara demikian pula terjadi dalam kehidupan manusia. Yang penting bukanlah berapa banyak waktu yang diberikan kepada kita melainkan seberapa baik kita memainkan peran kita. Tidak penting dengan cara apa kita akan dipaksa berhenti dan menutup permainan kita . namun pastikan bahwa kita mengakhiri dengan penutup yang baik.

sakitnya atas perlakuan yang BERBEDA !

Tidak ada manusia yang sempurna
dan pasti akan ada satu perbedaan di dalamnya
allah menciptakan manusia dengan imbang
dengan segala kekurangan serta kelebihannya
terlalu picik jika kita menganggap diri kita yang "TERBAIK"
tapi apa salah bila kita menginginkan yang "TERBAIK" ?
salahkah jika kita menginginkan hal yang baik untuk diri kita?
tapi mengapa dalam perjalanannya untuk meraih itu
tidak semudah seprti membalikan telapak tangan .
banyak orang pasti yang menghalangi .
banyak orang pasti yang akan meremerhkan
mengnggap jika kita bukanlah apa-apa.
kita tak sehebat dirinya.
selalu menjadi hinaan.
di perlakukan se enaknya .
tak dianggap, tak diberi kesempatn, tak mendapat belaan
tetapi malah di salahakan.
di benakku aku selalu bertanya-tanya
mengapa mereka memperlakukanku seperti itu ? tak prnah kah mereka ingin mendengarkan pendapatku ? kenapa mereka yang berkuasa?
selalu aku yang harus mengalah .
selalu aku yang mengerti mereka .
apakah salah jika aku ingin de dengarkan dan tak di beda2in seperti ni ?
mereka menginginkan yang mereka mau .
mereka bilang kalo dia suka ini , itu dan mau ini itu .
mereka ga mau ini, gamau itu .
dan aku yang harus mengerti mereka.
tapi, ketika aku gamamu atau aku pun mau ini atau itu mereka masa bodo.
saikt banget rasanya ya allah..
ketika mereka buat salah, mereka dibela, mereka selalu punya Tameng !
tapi kenapa aku engga?

"Ketika seseorang dalam keadaan sedih seakan rasa sakit hanyalah miliknya, dan tanpa ia sadari bahwa dibalik kesedihanya pasti akan ada kebahagiaan yang siap menyambutnya"

katy perry - Thingking of you

Comparisons are easily done
Once you've had a taste of perfection
Like an apple hanging from a tree
I picked the ripest one
I still got the seed

You said move on
Where do I go
I guess second best
Is all I will know

Cause when I'm with him
I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do if
You were the one
Who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I
Was looking into your eyes

You're like an Indian summer
In the middle of winter
Like a hard candy
With a surprise center
How do I get better
Once I've had the best
You said there's
Tons of fish in the water
So the waters I will test

He kissed my lips
I taste your mouth
He pulled me in
I was disgusted with myself

Cause when I'm with him
I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do if
You were the one
Who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I
Was looking into...

You're the best
And yes I do regret
How I could let myself
Let you go
Now the lesson's learned
I touched it I was burned
Oh I think you should know

Cause when I'm with him
I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do if
You were the one
Who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I
Was looking into your eyes
Looking into your eyes
Looking into your eyes
Oh won't you walk through
And bust in the door
And take me away
Oh no more mistakes
Cause in your eyes I'd like to stay...

YOU can do it !

Now I'm in the abyss provisions.
determining my future someday.
a lot of considerations that must be I think
not only have to think for myself alone
but I have to think of other supporting aspects.

my target must I accomplish today is to pass the national final.
then I should be able to pass the college entrance exam city.
I know where I'm going to the extent capable.
I also know bagiman family financial condition.
I could not pay when I later entered the private universities are paid sangatlha expensive.
but I know the competition to get into college city is not easy. must have the ability to smart, to be ready mentally and competition on other factors. I have the feeling traumatized themselves to test in the city. 2 times I failed to get into the city. The first time I entered junior high school want two bekasi city, both in high school when I test three bekasi city. I do not know what I did not destined to get into the city? but I will still continue to make every effort that I can to make this time I will not fail again for the third time.
time for me to be able to focus and think adults. NOW, time I'll prove to the people who have been doubting my ability. there is no word impossible if we try, keep trying, pray and trust to god I'm sure god akn memabntuku this time. god see in me a desire that culminated this, please help me, amen ..
keep the spirit qibe. seize all the desires that had failed. keep trying and keep praying, I'm sure this time you can!

Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010

with a star

now changed its evening twilight
closing day of the melting
Where are you located?
I do not know where

we never go through all.
the wild cry of laughter.
now only a string of words
that's all I have

I really can not
time to live without you
separation is not a funeral
even if it means leaving a wound.

CONTACT me at my acc

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*http://onioning.com/Qibbe ----> ONIONING

*http://www.formspring.me/qibe ----> FROMSPRING

you can chat with me Via :

----> YM

*maria.qb93 ----> GMAIL