Selasa, 20 Juli 2010

being an adult

sometimes people think that being something important is easy.
but to me it is the most difficult thing for us to do.
in our minds, what we think is good, good, but what might be appropriate if it is good to other people? NO!
remember every human being has a way of thinking berbada views and different from each other.
it's true we've been trying to tebaik to be so "GOOD" in the eyes of others, but trkadang replies we receive may be different.
they might just think from the standpoint of him. without looking from the viewpoint of others.
This became a problem usually.
people who we think is good not necessarily behind us he's still good.
we never know what their heart's content, although they are good friends of our own.
ill indeed if we are in treating different. ill indeed if we do not consider them. but remember we are creatures with a mind dicipatakn god. we should be thinking adults. even if and how attitudes and their treatment of us, just let it alone. they consider is an alarm that always reminds us. Let us not be glued their attitude to us. but we should be able to show that we do not regret it when they do us like that. because we can and can without them.
think an adult and be someone who can think carefully,
healty and smart.
do what we ca afford.
Belive with our abilities.

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